How to Ruin your Business!


Welcome to our guide on How to Ruin you Business. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to peruse our articles. I know this might seem like a strange concept or perhaps even a silly endeavor.

I mean, why would someone actively try to ruin their business?

Are there really people out there hell-bent on doing what the rest of would deem irresponsible?

I honestly don’t know the answer to that question but I have been around long enough and watched a few masters successfully accomplish ruining their business. So I’ve decided to pass on what I have seen, learned and experienced. I have come to realize it’s not that easy. It might seem very simple and straightforward, right? You just don’t do anything the right way.

Ninja, the answer is Ninja. You have to be a Ninja at ruining your business.

Business Discussions
Business Discussions

Think about this: most established organizations internally have multiple or at least 3 departments such as Human Resources, Information Technology, Sales, and Market. Usually, a group of well educated, smart and innovative gals and guys have been tasked with running these departments along with their assistants, subordinates, contractors, and employees.

How do you stop momentum dead in it’s tracks?

How do you organize such a team to coherently screwup? How do you demotivate everyone within the company all at once and kill productivity? How do you systematically prevent clients from signing contracts or purchasing your products?

As you can see, it’s not as easy as you might think. We are here to teach you how.